December 17, 2019


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Tuesday is the last day to donate used or gently used twin bed sheets and blankets! Thank you to everyone who has donated so far! Let’s fill that box up guys! #crossfitdavis #seasonofgiving ????????

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Tabata pull-ups or kipping swings

Today’s skill work can be approached in a number of ways. If you are experienced with kipping pull-ups use this opportunity to work on holding straight sets in each round using traditional Tabata scoring.  Keep in mind that we often see the kipping pull-up skill work on the minute and this effort will essentially be twice as hard as that format!  If you are new to the skill, work on linking together the hollow and arch position in each interval.


AMRAP in 20 Minutes

5 Sumo deadlift high-pull 95/65 lb
10 Front rack walking lunge steps 95/65 lb
15 Push-ups

Workout notes

Today’s workout is a twenty minute triplet of two barbell movements and one bodyweight movement.  Each round starts with a small set of sumo deadlift high-pulls.  The benchmark weight on the bar is on the moderate to heavy side.  You’re not required to go unbroken during the workout but you should be able to if you wanted to.  Avoid using a weight so heavy you are forced to perform single reps.  The large set of push-ups will probably be the most challenging part of the workout.  Use a standard you can maintain for all twenty minutes even if you have to break up each round into smaller chunks.  Push-ups tend to fall off fast so break them up early and often so you can keep moving.

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