December 28, 2019


With a clock set for 26 minutes

3 times through the following

2 Minutes of
5 Deadlift 225/155 lb
15 Wall ball shot 20/14 lb 10/9′
1 Minute rest

2 Minutes of
Row for calories
1 Minute rest

2 Minutes of
Air assault bike for calories
1 Minute rest

Workout notes

For today’s workout we’ll setup an interval timer with two minutes of work and 1 minute of rest.  You’ll spend your time working at each of three stations.  First a deadlift/wall ball couplet and then two minutes rowing before finishing off on the bike.  We’ll hit each station three times. Your deadlift weight should be moderate. You will want to be able to hit the 5 reps unbroken through most of the two minutes all three times. Plan to pair up and share barbells where possible and you and your partners can each start at different stations. Push the pace on both the rower and the bike as much as you can knowing that you have a full minute to recover between stations.

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