At Home Wod
AMRAP 20 minutes
200m farmer carry
40 goblet squats
60 sumo deadlift high pulls
40 goblet squats
Workout Description
Today’s workout is a triplet. Each round will start with a 200 meter farmer carry. Use two pieces of equipment if you have it. If not, try to give yourself equal work on each side. Once you make it back from your farmer carry, hold your piece of equipment in the goblet position, keep your chest tall and core engaged while knocking out those squats. The goal should be to hit full depth on the goblet squats while maintaining posture. For the sumo deadlift high pulls: widen your stance outside your shoulders, grip your piece of equipment with both hands, drive through your heels, finish with those hips fully extended and let that piece of equipment float up to collarbone height. Small sets and a sustainable pace will go a long way in this workout. Minimize rest and get back to your piece of equipment as quickly as you can.