August 18, 2020

Workout of the day

5 rounds of 3 minutes on 1 minute off

3 push press
6 hang power clean
9 air squat

Workout notes

We’re working on a 3 minute on and 1 minute off interval today for 5 rounds. Each interval is a mini AMRAP of push press, hang cleans and air squats. Make sure to select a weight that allows you to keep the push press unbroken through most of the workout. The goal for a workout like this is to move fast, recover quickly and stay consistent over all five rounds. Take note of our adjusted schedule this week to deal with the current heat wave and make sure to pack plenty of water when you show up for class! 


standard: 75/55 lb
rx: 115/85 lb
sport: 135/95 lb
overachiever: 185/135 lb

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