August 29, 2020

Workout of the day

5 rounds of 4 minutes on 1 minute off

500M row or 1250M bike
max reps weighted step ups with one or two objects

Workout notes

This is a Choose Your Own Adventure style workout. Start each round with roughly two minutes on a rower or bike. When you get off of the bike or erg you’ll start knocking out weighted step ups for your remaining time. Use a box height that doesn’t put your back in a compromising position when standing up and choose either one or two objects held any way you like. One heavy dumbbell, two kettlebells or dumbbell and kettlebell? The choice is yours. Other than a loaded barbell or the erg itself, pretty much anything goes. Have fun and give yourself a challenge!


Choose a weight or weights that are challenging but let you work continuously for most of the remaining time in each round.

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