September 27, 2020

Workout of the day

5 rounds for time

35 air squats
20 alternating devil’s press

Workout notes

Today’s workout is a classic couplet pairing a very simple movement with a more complex one. This workout might take awhile so settle in to a sustainable pace from the start. You’ll start each round with 35 air squats before moving on to everyone’s favorite movement, the devil’s press! We’ll be using just one dumbbell for these today so you will be alternating arms for every rep. Spend some time going over these with your coach before the workout starts to nail down a smooth transition from rep to rep. If you’re worried about the volume of this workout you can scale by decreasing your number of rounds or choosing a light and manageable dumbbell. Looking for an added challenge? Bumping up your dumbbell weight is sure to slow down those devil’s presses! Happy Sunday CFD!


standard: 35/20 lb
rx: 50/35 lb
sport: 65/45 lb
overachiever: 75/55 lb

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