EMOM for 10 minutes
1 slow pull squat snatch
Today’s lift is a complex one. Squat snatching requires a lot of skill, strength and mobility. We’re adding a slow pull to the start today to really dial in technique. This drill should address any issues you may be having with the first pull portion of this lift. Focus on a strong start position, gaze forward, chest up and back flat. The bar should move slowly until it passes your knees at which point it can return to normal speed. This drill can also be done with a power snatch if catching the bar in an overhead squat position is difficult or not happening for you.
Workout of the day
AMRAP in 10 Minutes
7 power snatch
4 burpees
Workout notes
Today’s workout is a short and simple one. Ten minutes on the clock with small sets of power snatches and burpees. The snatch weight should be on the lighter side today. Choose a weight that allows you to get the seven reps done in one or two sets throughout the workout. With only four burpees in ever round do your best to keep your pace fast!
standard: 45/35 lb
rx: 75/55 lb
sport: 95/65 lb
overachiever: 115/85 lb