December 29, 2020


Unbroken double under ladder in eight minutes
climb as high as you can

2-4-6-8 …
5-10-15-20 …
10-20-30-40 …

standard: single unders
rx: double unders
sport: double unders with or without a drag rope
overachiever: triple unders or drag rope double unders

Workout of the day

AMRAP in 12 minutes

6 push-ups
6 sumo deadlift high pull

Today’s workout features small sets of push-ups and a barbell sumo deadlift high pull. The weight on your bar should be light today. Plan to keep the sets of six unbroken throughout a good portion of the workout. Push-ups can be scaled as you normally would but consider bumping up the difficulty if possible since the rep count is low in each round.


standard: 45/35 lb
rx: 75/55 lb
sport: 95/65 lb
overachiever: 115/85 lb