January 18, 2021

January 18, 2021

Workout of the Day
10 rounds of 90 seconds on 60 seconds off
20 jumping squats
max reps alternating dumbbell clean and jerks

We’ll be working on an interval timer today with ninety seconds on and one minute to rest and recover between each round. You’ll start each round with twenty jumping squats before moving on to your dumbbell for as many reps of alternating clean and jerks as you can fit in the remaining time. Make sure to hit full depth on your squats and push yourself off the ground for each rep. Pick a dumbbell weight that you are fairly comfortable with so that you can knock out a substantial set before putting it down to rest. Have fun and Happy Monday!

standard: 35/20 lb
rx: 50/35 lb
sport: 65/45 lb
overachiever: 75/55 lb