January 21, 2021

January 21, 2021

10×1 lunge kick to handstand

Practice kicking into a handstand in your designated space at the gym. If you are near a wall feel free to use the wall to kick up to. If you have space to take a few handstand walking steps you can try this as well. If you are not ready to flip upside down you can try putting your feet on a box or shoulder taps in a plank hold are also a great option.

Workout of the Day
AMRAP in 15 minutes
50 burpee box jumps
50 power cleans

The rep scheme for this workout might feel unfamiliar. It’s not that often that we venture into the fifty rep territory when it comes to burpee box jumps or even power cleans. The name of the game here will be consistency. Do your best to settle into a pace that feels sustainable rather than hitting a few fast reps and then being forced to rest. Burpee Box Step Ups are a great scaling option if you can’t jump for any reason. Plan on choosing a power clean weight that you are comfortable with for small sets without too much rest between or quick singles.

standard: 95/65 lb, step ups
rx: 135/95 lb, 24/20″
sport: 155/105 lb, 24/20″
overachiever: 185/135 lb, 30/24″