March 15, 2021

EMOM for 10 minutes
Straight set of kipping toe to bar

Spend ten minutes working on the toe to bar skill. The kipping swing takes some work so if you’re just starting out plan to focus on a small tight swing rather than worrying so much about how high your toes are getting. The next step would be trying out a knees to chest while still maintaining the kip. If you’re ready to get your toes all the way to the bar you can shoot for the same number every round to see if you can stay consistent throughout all ten rounds. A straight set means one set each round without coming off the bar so don’t go crazy in the first round and burn out too fast!

Workout of the Day
AMRAP in 10 minutes
7 power snatch
4 front rack walking lunge steps

We’re starting off the week with a straightforward couplet. Select your weight based on which lift is more difficult for you. You’ll want to be able to complete all four lunges unbroken in every round with the weight you choose. The snatches can definitely be broken up but the bar shouldn’t be too heavy for a few reps at a time even under fatigue.

standard: 75/55 lb
rx: 95/65 lb
sport: 115/85 lb
overachiever: 135/95 lb

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