April 27, 2021

EMOM for 10 minutes
30 seconds of Strict Pull-Ups OR Strict Handstand Push-Ups

Players choice today for our skill work! You’ll have thirty seconds out of each minute to rack up as many strict pull-ups OR strict handstand push-ups. Handstand push-ups are an advanced skill that take a lot of strength, mobility and some technique. If you’ve never done one or aren’t super comfortable upside down it might be best to go with pull-ups today. You can break up the pull-ups or handstand push-ups however you would like throughout the thirty seconds. Your reps do not need to be a straight set today. Pull-ups can be scaled by using a band or choosing ring rows. Handstand push-ups can be scaled by adding an ab-mat or two at the most. Be smart about your set sizes so that you don’t burn out too early!

Workout of the Day
AMRAP in 10 minutes
10 push-ups
10 alternating dumbbell hang squat cleans

All you will need for today’s workout is one dumbbell. The dumbbell you choose should be one that you are fairly comfortable with. It’s ok if you need to break up sets later on in the workout but you’ll want to be able to start with an unbroken set of ten when you are fresh. As always focus on quality when it comes to push-ups. Lead each rep with your chest and squeeze your butt, legs and torso to keep your body moving as one piece. Your top position should always be a perfect plank so make sure you don’t let your hips sink towards the floor as you fatigue.

standard: 35/20 lb
rx: 50/35 lb
sport: 65/45 lb
overachiever: 75/55 lb

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