August 31, 2021

EMOM for 10 minutes
2 split jerks

Spend ten minutes working up to a challenging set of split jerks. Focus on a vertical dip and drive to send the bar off of your shoulders. As you drop under the bar move your feet into a solid split stance to catch the bar. Your back heel should be off the ground with your knee bent. Make sure to punch out with speed so that when you land in your split position your arms are already locked out. Recover your feet by bringing your front foot back first and then your back foot forward before lowering the bar. Be aware of how you lower the bar between lifts so that you are catching it with soft knees and in a safe position.

Workout of the Day
AMRAP in 10 minutes
push presses

4 kettlebell swings EMOM

Lighten your bar a bit after today’s skill work. We’ll be switching gears a bit and still working with an overhead movement but the push press is all about your dip and drive with no dropping under the bar. This may take a couple tries to get used to after spending the skill work on split jerks so practice multiple reps with an empty bar first and then the weight you choose for the workout before the workout starts. We’ll be working for 10 minutes to rack up as many push press as possible while completing 4 kettlebell swings every minute as well. Each minute will start with the swings and then it is up to you to move on to your barbell to start making your way through your push press reps. Pick a weight here that you could complete 8-10 reps with unbroken when you are fresh. If at any point you are doing singles or doubles you have gone too heavy. Your score at the end of the ten minutes will be your total push press reps.

standard: 95/65 lb, 24/16 kg
rx: 115/85 lb, 28/20kg
sport: 135/95 lb, 32/24 kg
overachiever: 155/105 lb, 40/28kg

CFD at home:
Today’s workout can be done with just a dumbbell, just a kettlebell, a dumbbell and a kettlebell or a barbell and either a dumbbell or kettlebell. If you have a barbell and a kettlebell you can do the workout as written. If you are only working with a dumbbell or kettlebell you will be doing push press with your weight switching arms either whenever you want or switching every other minute. Whatever you choose try to keep things as even as possible between your arms. If you don’t have a kettlebell to swing you can either swing your dumbbell or switch the swings out for alternating hang cleans or sumo deadlift high pulls. If your weight is too heavy for push presses you can give push jerks a try! Your score at the end of the ten minutes will be your total push press reps. See you on the leaderboard!

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