September 21, 2021

EMOM for 10 minutes
straight set of kipping pull-ups

Spend ten minutes working through straight sets of kipping pull-ups. If you need a band for pull-ups you can still work on kipping pull-ups with your band or if you prefer, stick with strict or even just practice kipping swings.

Workout of the Day
AMRAP in 10 minutes
50 drag rope double unders
21 kettlebell swings

You’ll need a drag rope and a kettlebell today. The drag rope makes double unders even more tricky so if you need to stick with a regular rope you can definitely do that. If you are ready to give the drag rope a try you can also choose to adjust the reps down to a set size that feels more manageable if needed. 20 or 30 reps would be a great place to start if you are comfortable with double unders but new to the drag rope. Singles are always ok as well but make sure to throw some double under attempts in to each round. You’ll want to be fairly comfortable with the kettlebell you choose to swing today. Pick a weight that allows you to get the 21 reps done in one to two sets. Your score today will be total rounds completed plus any extra reps in the next round.

standard: 24/16 kg
rx: 28/20 kg
sport: 32/24 kg
overachiever: 40/32 kg

CFD at home:
Today’s workout can be done with a dumbbell or kettlebell and a jumprope. If you have a dumbbell you can use it for swings! If you don’t like swinging a dumbbell feel free to switch these reps out for alternating hang cleans or sumo deadlift high pulls or just sumo deadlifts with your dumbbell. Adjust the double unders as usual by decreasing the set size if needed or choosing singles with some double under attempts sprinkled in. If you don’t have a jump rope you can complete 50 mountain climbers or 50 lateral hops each round instead.Your score today will be total rounds completed plus any extra reps in the next round. See you on the leaderboard!

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