October 18, 2021

EMOM for 10 minutes
1 deadlift + 1 hang power clean from below the knees

Spend ten minutes working up to a challenging set of today’s lifting complex. You’ll start with a deadlift then return the bar back down below your knees and then into a power clean. This will require a lot of control as you lower the bar down and will force you to really access the power from your hips as you drive the bar up to your shoulders for the power clean. Don’t forget to drop under the bar to catch in a power stance with your hips back.

CFD at home skill sub:
EMOM for 10 minutes
1 wall walk + 5-10s hold at top position

Workout of the Day
5 rounds of 90 seconds on 30 seconds off
10 front rack walking lunge steps

then max reps push press

It won’t take long for today’s workout to get tough. You’ll want to be smart with your weight choice today so make sure to test out several reps of both the lunge and the push press before the workout starts. You’ll want to choose a weight that allows you to complete the ten lunge buy in unbroken when you are fresh. Keep your chest upright during the lunges and focus on squeezing your quads as you dip and drive for the push presses to avoid a re-bend of the knees. Your score today will be the total push press reps you are able to complete at the end of five rounds.

standard: 95/65 lb
rx: 115/85 lb
sport: 135/95 lb
overachiever: 155/105 lb

CFD at home:
Today’s workout can be done with a barbell, dumbbell or kettlebell. If you are working with a dumbbell or kettlebell you’ll want to hold your weight in a goblet position for the lunges and then switch arms whenever you want to for the push press. Do your best to keep things as even as possible though! Your score today will be the total push press reps you are able to complete at the end of five rounds. See you on the leaderboard!

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