EMOM for 10 minutes
Straight set of Strict HSPU or Strict press (working from the floor)
For today’s skill work you have a choice between strict handstand push-ups or a strict press with a barbell. Whether you decide to flip upside down or not we will be working on strict pressing strength today. Complete one straight set of handstand push up reps or strict press reps every minute for ten minutes.
Workout of the Day
for time
box jumps
We’ve got a classic combo on the menu today. You’ll want a manageable weight on your barbell for this deadlift box jump workout. Plan to choose a weight that will allow you to start with ten unbroken reps or more during the round of twenty one. If at any point you are doing singles you have gone too heavy. Find a box height that you feel comfortable jumping to or scale to step ups if needed. A large amount of this workout happens in the first three rounds so do your best to keep moving through the larger sets and pick up the pace as you get to the end. To scale this workout pick a lighter deadlift weight and a lower box height. You can also decrease the total volume by starting at the round of 18 or 15 rather than 21. Your score today will be the time it takes you to complete all the work.
standard: 135/95 lb
rx: 185/135 lb
sport: 225/155 lb
overachiever: 275/185 lb
CFD at home:
Today’s workout can be done with a barbell, dumbbell or kettlebell. If you have a kettlebell or dumbbell you’ll want to do more of a sumo style deadlift with a wider foot stance and tapping the weight between your feet for each rep. If you don’t have a box to jump to you can either find s surface to use for step ups or find something you could jump over for each rep. You can jump over your dumbbell or kettlebell or find something a little bigger like a packing box or cooler. Broad jumps are always an option as well. Depending on the weight of your dumbbell you also may want to adjust the deadlift rep scheme. Something like 35-30-25-20-15-10-5 would work for a light dumbbell or kettlebell and then you can keep the jumping reps the same.Your score today will be the time it takes you to complete all the work. See you on the leaderboard!