Workout of the Day
5 rounds of 4 minutes on 1 minute off
500m row or 1k bike or ski or 400m run
max reps wall ball shots
We’re on the same interval timer as Thursday from this week. You’ll have five opportunities for a short run, row, bike or ski before moving on to as many wall ball shots as possible in the remainder of the work period. You’ll want to get the run, row or bike done in under three minutes every round so if you feel like this might not happen for you feel free to adjust the distance a bit to allow for more time with your wall ball. With one minute to rest between rounds do your best to treat each round like it’s own mini workout and push the pace a bit more on both parts than you might normally. Your score today will be the total wall ball reps you complete after five rounds.
standard: 12/8 lb
rx: 20/14 lb
sport: 20/14 lb
overachiever: 30/20 lb
CFD at home:
Today’s workout can be done with a medicine ball if you have it or a dumbbell or kettlebell. If you don’t have a medicine ball at home you can choose to do goblet squats or thrusters with your dumbbell or kettlebell OR jumping squats with no weight! If you don’t have a place for the run you can complete either 100-150 mountain climbers or double or single unders or 20 burpees at the start of each round. Whatever you choose to swap out the run for make sure it takes around two minutes to complete. Your score today will be the wall ball (or goblet squat, thruster or jumping squat) reps you complete after five rounds. See you on the leaderboard!