EMOM for 5 minutes
Straight set Pull-Ups
AMRAP in 3 minutes
We’ve got a fun challenge for today’s skill work. The first 5 minutes will be used almost as a warm up to get in some good straight sets of either kipping or strict pull-ups. At the end of the fifth minute your three minute AMRAP will begin. During the three minutes your goal is to complete as many pull-ups as possible. Pull-ups can always be scaled by using a band or choosing ring rows and it is up to you whether you want to work on strict or kipping pull-ups today. At the end of the eight minutes you can add up all your straight set reps from the first five minutes and all your reps from the three minute AMRAP for your score.
Workout of the Day
AMRAP in 15 minutes
200m run
15 deadlifts
10 lateral burpees over the bar
Today’s triplet will involve a short run, a light deadlift and some burpees. The rx’d weight is meant to be manageable for a set of fifteen so definitely plan to be really comfortable with the weight you load on your barbell. The deadlift sets should be completed in two sets max even when you are deep into the workout. The burpees will be lateral with a jump over the bar to complete each rep. Scale this movement by stepping over the bar or just staying in place without any jump for the burpees. Your score at the end of the fifteen minutes will be total rounds plus any extra reps.
standard: 115/85 lb
rx: 155/105 lb
sport: 185/125 lb
overachiever: 225/155 lb
CFD at home:
Today’s workout can be done with a barbell, dumbbell or kettlebell. If you have a dumbbell or kettlebell at home you will want to set your feet in a wider “sumo” stance for the deadlifts and tap the weight between your feet for each rep. The burpees can be in place or feel free to add a jump over your weight to complete each rep. If you don’t have a place to run you can switch the 200m run out for 50 single or double unders or 20 unweighted step ups. Your score at the end of the fifteen minutes will be total rounds plus any extra reps. See you on the leaderboard!