for time
50 Alternating dumbbell snatch
40 Dumbbell hang clean & jerks
30 Box jump overs
40 Lateral burpees over the bar
50 Double unders
Movement standards
“All divisions”
Snatches must alternate but hang clean and jerks can be broken up however
Height of the box will be 20″ for men and women in all divisions.
50 lb dumbbell for men and 35 lb dumbbell for women
Burpees and box jump overs must start with a two footed take off.
35 lb dumbbell for men and 20 lb dumbbell for women
Burpees and box jump overs may be performed as step overs
Scaled athletes may choose 50 double unders or 100 single unders at the end of the chipper. You must choose one or the other. Combinations of both movements are not allowed.
Event 2 – “Ye Ole Push-Pull”
for time *
Front squats 115/85 lb
10 Bar muscle ups
10 Front squats 115/85 lb
* Tiebreak time will be the end of the round of 9
for time
Hang power clean 85/55 lb
Front squat 85/55 lb
Event 3 – “Hell on Wheels”
Please note
All events will be time capped. Your score will be the total number of reps completed with the exception of event 2 where finishing the round of 9 will act as a tie-break.
Example event 2 results:
Athlete A completes the round of 9 at 5:00 and then gets 1 bar muscle up.
Athlete B completes the round of 9 at 4:45 and also gets 1 bar muscle up.
Athlete C completes the round of 9 at 5:30 and gets 9 bar muscle ups.
Athlete D finishes the round of 9 at 4:30 and gets 0 bar muscle ups.
Rankings would be as follows
- Athlete C (99 – 5:30)
- Athlete B (91 – 4:45)
- Athlete A (91 – 5:00)
- Athlete D (90 – 4:30)