Tempo strict press
5 sets of 4 reps
Fast up, 3 second hold at the top, 3 second descent, no pause at the bottom (rebound straight into the next rep).
Target about 55-60% of your max, prioritizing excellent positioning and good speed out of the bottom of each rep. Rest 2-3 minutes between sets.
Workout of the Day
4 rounds:
1 minute of box jumps
1 minute of deadlifts
1 minute of calories
1 minute of rest
Use a moderate weight on your barbell today. You should be able to hit a couple of sets of 5-10 reps in each minute that you’re on the deadlift. Focus on quick transitions, and settle into a steady pace on the box jumps and machines.
standard: 135/95 lb bar, 20/12 inch box
rx: 185/135 lb bar, 24/20 inch box
sport: 225/155 lb bar, 24/20 inch box
metcon: 4×3:00 on, 1:00 off