April 13, 2022

10 sets
3-5 strict pull-ups or unbroken set of kipping pull-ups

Our skill work today is off the clock so take your time working through ten rounds of a small set of strict pull-ups or an unbroken set of kipping pull-ups. You can do the strict pull-ups unweighted, weighted or with a band. Three to five reps on the pull-ups is the suggested number but feel free to do more or less if that makes more sense for you. If you’re opting for kipping pull-ups today you can use this as skill work and focus on completing a sub maximal set so that you can complete multiple sets without too much rest between each. If you’re doing larger sets of either strict or kipping pull-ups and need to rest longer between you may end up with time for 6-8 sets rather than 10.

Workout of the Day
5 rounds of 3 minutes on 1 minute off
9 sit-ups
6 air squats
3 push-ups

We’re sticking with the all bodyweight theme today for the workout as well. We’ll be on a three minute on and one minute off interval for five rounds. In a workout like this you’ll want to minimize transition time between movements as much as possible. If you’ve been working on strict push-ups this will be a great time to really stick to it and hold yourself to high standards. Whether you are working from your toes, knees or with your hands on a box make sure you are keeping each rep as strict as possible and completing full range of motion push-up reps. Your score at the end of five rounds will be total rounds plus extra reps.

standard: box push-ups
rx: STRICT push-ups from toes
overachiever: 6 T2B, STRICT HSPU

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