Strict Press 2-2-2-2-2
Work up to a strong effort 2 rep overhead press. For this movement you should maintain extension of the knee and kip as you press the bar overhead. Most likely the weight you work up to will be much lower than what you would be able to lift with the help of a push press or a push jerk. Start light and increase in very small increments as this movement falls off fast.
For time
Deadlift 185/135lb
Lateral Burpee Over The Bar
Workout notes: The odd rep scheme of this 10 round workout has you doing 11 reps each round. Initially you will be performing a large number of deadlifts with a few burpees interspersed and eventually transition to doing mostly burpees. The key here is to keep moving through those first rounds by not coming out too hard on the deadlifts and work at an even pace.