EMOM for 10 minutes
Hang power snatch from above the knees + Power snatch
Today’s skill work focuses on the difficult barbell snatch. We’re working on a two position snatch starting with a hang power snatch and finishing with a full snatch starting from the floor. Start by deadlifting the bar to the hips and then descend into your start position for the hang snatch by working backwards through the second pull. First, bend at the knees while keeping the chest upright and second, close the hips and lower the chest so that your shoulders are in front of the bar. Aggressively open the hips and catch the bar in a partial squat before standing up. Next you’ll re-grip the bar and bring it down to the floor for another power snatch. Your second rep should pass through the same positions as your first rep. Use a weight that is a little heavier than what you might use in a metcon but remember that this is positional work so we’re not maxing out our lifts today!
for time
1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 *
Burpee to plate
*10 walking lunge steps before each round
Workout notes
Your score for today’s workout will be the total time it takes you to complete 100 lunges and 55 burpees. You’ll start the workout by knocking out 10 lunges before moving on to 1 burpee. Remember that there is no need to clap over head in this case. Make contact with your chest and thighs on the floor behind the plate and then quickly close the hips and jump to the plate reaching full extension of the hips and knees. The workout is front loaded with lunges as you work through the smaller rounds of burpees so move quickly but leave something in the tank for those final higher rep rounds in the end. Keep in mind that this is a high volume of both lunges and burpees, a great scaling option for this workout would be to finish your workout on round 7 or 8 rather than going all the way to 10.