April 17, 2017


Strict Press

Today we will be working on the Strict Press.  For this movement we specifically do not generate momentum with the lower body so your numbers here will be lower than they would be with a push press or push jerk, especially with sets of 5. Remember to squeeze your butt and legs right before you press to avoid any dip or drive from your lower body.  Make sure not to arch your back when pressing and keep your midline static moving only your head out of the way to maintain a straight bar path.


AMRAP in 10 Minutes
15 Air Squat
10 Hang Power Cleans 115/75 lb
5 Push Press 115/75 lb

Workout Notes: Today’s AMRAP features one bodyweight movement and 2 weightlifiting movements with a light to medium weight barbell. You will want to be able to move quickly through each movement with the weight you choose. The hang power clean should be the easier of the two movements when it comes to moving weight so make your decision based on the difficulty of the push press.  For this overhead movement you will want to use your legs unlike in our skill work today.  Use a vertical dip and drive to send the bar off of your shoulders and then finish the movement by pressing out with your arms.  Make sure not to drop under the bar like you would with a push jerk.  You will want to choose a weight for your barbell that allows you to do atleast your first few rounds of the push press unbroken.

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