EMOM for 10 minutes
1 power snatch + 1 hang power snatch
You can choose to hang on to the bar for both reps for this skill work or drop it after the power snatch from the floor and then pick it back up to the hang for the hang power snatch. If you choose the second option make sure you’re able to complete both lifts in thirty seconds or less so that you have time to recover before the next minute.
Workout of the Day
AMRAP in 15 minutes
15 box jumps
200 meter run
25 medicine ball sit-ups
You’ll need a box, a medicine ball and an ab mat for today’s workout. Do your best to set out at a consistent pace and keep moving for the full fifteen minutes. Your score today will be total rounds plus extra reps.
standard: 12/10 lb, 20/20″
rx: 20/14 lb, 24/20″
sport:15 T2B, 24/20″
overachiever: 15 T2B, 30/24″