April 19, 2024

Tempo Back Squat
7 sets of 3 reps

3 second descent, 3 second hold, fast up, 3 seconds between reps.

Keep the weight relatively light on these back squats; the goal here is to get some good volume in with perfect movement, cadence, and positioning. Focus on moving up out of the freeze at the bottom of your squat without any extra wind-up or bounce. If you’re finding that you have a hard time getting out of the bottom without that bounce, then lower the weight a bit to keep good technique.

Workout of the Day
6 rounds:
40 seconds of hang power cleans
20 seconds of rest
40 seconds of calories
20 seconds of rest

You have a short work interval, so try to hang onto the barbell for larger sets than you would in a longer time domain; scale the load so that you can always get at least 5. Keep a steady pace on the machine for most of the workout, then pick it up in the last round if you can.

standard: 75/55
rx: 115/85
sport: 135/95
metcon: 12×0:40 on, 0:20 off

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