8 rounds
20s hollow hold
40s plank hold
20s rest
With skill work like this the focus should always be about quality over quantity. Make sure to focus on good positions in both the hollow hold and the plank rather than just trying to hold for the full duration.
Workout of the Day
5 rounds with one minute at each station
kettlebell swings
front squats
You’ll need a medium weight barbell today and a kettlebell. Make sure you can hang on to your bar for multiple reps every time you pick it up and that you are comfortable with your kettlebell as well. Your score today will be total reps.
standard: 24/16 kg, 95/65 lb
rx: 28/20 kg, 115/85 lb
sport: 32/24 kg, 135/95 lb
overachiever: 40/32 kg, 155/105 lb