April 22, 2018


for time

50 Pull-ups
1000M Run
50 Kettlebell snatch 24/16 kg
1000M Run
150 Double Unders
1000M Run

Workout notes

Today’s workout features three difficult movements coupled with a run down to Cantrill after every round.   Your score will be the total time it takes to complete the entire chipper.  The total volume of each movement is moderate but seeing higher reps in single element format will increase the difficulty level. Scale by adapting each movement to one you can perform larger set sizes.  Snatches can be scaled by weight and double unders can be scaled by volume if you are still learning the movement.  Scaling pull-ups will require the most attention. If you are new to pull-ups consider banded pull-ups, ring rows or jumping pull-ups as an alternative or drop the volume down from 50 to something more manageable.

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