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At Home Workout
AMRAP 20 Minutes
5 thrusters
10 lunge steps
15 situps
Workout Notes
We have potentially a high volume workout today. Plan on getting through many rounds of today’s AMRAP. Start the workout with five thrusters, move on to ten alternating lunge steps (with or without your weight), and finish with fifteen sit-ups. There are a few options equipment-wise to alter this workout. Using a single dumbbell or kettlebell will likely be the easiest option. A barbell or pair of dumbbells/kettlebells will make those thrusters and lunge steps significantly more difficult. A good guide would be to stick with a weight that you can consistently knock out five thrusters unbroken. Shoot to achieve full depth on the squat portion of your thrusters and be sure to lock out completely overhead. Fight to keep chest upright and core locked as you work throughs the lunge steps as well. It might be a good idea to pace early and deliberately rest early on to maintain intensity throughs the duration of the workout.