April 24, 2024

6 rounds:
5-10 ring rows
5-10 ring dips
Wall walk plus a 10-20 second hold

Rest about a minute between rounds

Choose a difficulty for both the rows and the dips that lets you get 5-10 reps per round, but makes it quite tough to do so. Focus on keeping a hollow body position throughout the wall walks; some folks may be flexible enough to get their noses and bellies to the wall for the hold, but if your shoulder mobility limits you then don’t push it.

Workout of the Day
3 rounds for time:
30 wall balls
400 meter run

Time cap: 18 minutes

If you’re getting your confidence with wall balls, this is a great workout to push yourself; shoot for the largest set you can manage at the start of each round, and then finish out the 30 reps as quickly as possible after that. If you go rx on most of the workouts, then consider attempting unbroken wall balls across all 3 rounds.

standard: 12/8 pound ball
rx: 20/14 pound ball
sport: 20/14 pound ball, 4 rounds instead of 3, attempt unbroken wall balls
metcon: 3x:3:00 on, 1:00 off

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