April 26, 2018


Front squat

Today we’re working up to a strong effort two rep front squat.  With the front squat we want to focus on keeping the elbows up and chest as upright as possible.  As with any kind of squatting you’ll want to practice keeping your knees out and tracking over your feet. Remember to release the grip on the bar a bit in the front squat and load the bar onto your torso which should help you keep your elbows and chest up. If you have a mobility problem holding you back from keeping your elbows up you can always try crossing your arms across the bar or modifying that in some way.   Feel free to choose one weight and work there for all sets rather than adding weight as you go.


AMRAP in 12 minutes
200M Run
20 Burpees
200M Run
35 Burpees
200M Run
50 Burpees

Workout notes

If you were able to participate in yesterday’s workout you know we encountered an interval workout that had three different weightlifting movements and no bodyweight elements. Today’s workout is a moderate length couplet featuring two bodyweight movements and no barbell in sight.  We have a heavy dose of burpees and light sprinkling of running. Event though this is an “AMRAP”, you could think of this workout as an interval workout  by doing your best to push the pace on the burpees and use the run as recovery.   Most of us will jog at a moderate recovery pace on the runs but that should still leave you with time to get deep into the round of 50 or maybe complete an entire round and then some.  Score this workout by the number of burpees you complete in 12 minutes! 

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