April 27, 2018


EMOM for 10 Minutes

power clean + hang power clean + jerk

Our skill work today is a two position clean followed by a jerk. First power clean the bar from the floor then reset your hook grip and lower the bar to the hang just above the knees. From there power clean the bar again and finish up with a jerk.  Remember that this is positional work and we’re not looking to max or miss any lifts.  Use a moderate weight but remember that a complex like this will increase the difficulty of each movement in relation to just performing a single repetition.


AMRAP in 10 Minutes

5 Deadlift 225/155 lb
10 Push-up
15 Air-squat

Workout notes

Today’s workout is in a similar format to the classic workout “Cindy” but we’re swapping out pull-ups for deadlifts.  use a deadlift load that you could easily perform for a set of five or more when fresh.  For most athletes we’re looking for a weight that is in the 50 – 60% range of your 1RM.  Remember that a strict strength movement like the push-ups will increase in difficulty as you become fatigued.  Use a standard you can maintain throughout the entire workout and break up the sets of 10 early and often if needed.

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