April 28, 2013

As some of you have heard Lia has accepted a new job that will sadly (for us) require her to move away from Davis. We are so happy and proud of you Lia! You’re positive and easy going presence around the gym will be greatly missed! Lia will be at the 11 am Sunday class. Come hit a workout with us and wish her and Omaha luck on their new adventures! CFD won’t be the same without you Lia!


Death By: Strict Chest To Bar Pull-Up

With a continuously running clock do 1 pull-up on the first minute, 2 pull-ups on the second, 3 pull-ups on the third and so on … until you can not complete a round.  Use your normal resistance and use any grip but your chest must touch the bar!


5 rounds for time of

10 Power Cleans 135/95lbs
10 Box Jumps 24/20″
10 Strict Push-Ups