April 28, 2018


AMRAP in 20 Minutes
3-5-7-9-11-13 … *
Power Snatch 135/95 lb

*200M run after every round

Workout notes

Today’s workout is a semi-repeat! We saw this format on September 24, 2016.  In that version squat snatches were the prescribed movement and today we’re suggesting power snatches.  The power snatch has a shorter range of motion than a squat snatch so you may end up with a higher rep count or be able to load the bar a bit more if the squat snatch is a difficult movement.   You’ll start the workout with three reps and complete a 200M Run. Add two reps and repeat for 20 minutes!  It’s a simple formula but it’s a great way to encounter a difficult movement like the power snatch and build some capacity for higher rep workouts.  Use a weight you can easily perform single repetitions in succession during those first few rounds.  As you get deeper into the workout remember to maintain efficient body mechanics when you are fatigued.

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