April 28, 2020

At Home Workout

5 rounds for time:

200m farmer carry
50 double-unders
20 bench dips OR ring dips

Workout Notes

Talk about a forearm pump! Start each round with a two-hundred meter farmer carry. Ideally you will have a piece of equipment in each hand. It doesn’t necessarily have to be the same weight in each hand, but try to get equal work done on each side. Next move onto fifty double-unders. Give yourself a cap of about ninety seconds per set and as always, make sure to get a few solid attempts in every round if you are scaling to single-unders. To finish each round find a bench, chair, couch, stack of plates, box, rings, or something to do dips on. Sit on your elevated surface and place your hands on the edge directly underneath your shoulders. With your legs straight out, slide your butt off of your bench so that it is just barely off of the edge and descend until your arms reach a ninety degree angle. Press until your arms are locked out. Just bend your knees to make the movement easier. The farmer carry is going to take the majority of the time, so if you find yourself getting crushed on either the double-unders or dips, be sure to scale!

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