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Coach Alex will be running a 2018 Open Review seminar at 5 pm on Sunday, April 15th. It will last for two hours, and will be focused on using the 2018 Open workouts as a starting point for setting and achieving goals going into the next year. The cost will be $20 and will include a month of access to Intermediate level CrossFit program tracking. Sign up on the sheet at the front of the gym above the check-in tablets if you are interested in attending, and fill out the questionnaire when you get a chance!
Questionnaire: https://goo.gl/jkeiQB
EMOM for 10 Minutes
2 Split Jerks
Today’s technique work focuses on the Split Jerk. For this complex work with a weight light enough that you can clean it from the floor and catch it in a partial squat before you setup for your jerk sequence. You will need to manage bringing the bar down from overhead safely and for that reason your load may be much lighter than what you work with if it were a 1 or 2RM lift.
AMRAP in 12 Minutes
50 burpees
1000M Run with medicine ball 20/14 lb
50 burpees
Workout notes
This workout is a very difficult couplet of two bodyweight movements. Getting even one round will be quite a challenge as that will require you to do two large sets of burpees along with a moderate length run. Do your best to keep moving at a quick but constant pace through the burpees. Keep your breathing under control and be ready to make a strong effort on the run. For most of us getting to that second run will be out of reach but if you are burpee master and get through 150 reps with some time left take off on a partial run of 100-400M depending on how much time is left.