AMRAP in 18 Minutes
400M Run
90 Seconds Rest
4 Minutes Rest
6 Rounds
Row 90 Seconds for Calories
Rest 90 Seconds
Workout notes: Todays workout(s) are two bouts of high intensity intervals. The idea is to challenge yourself with each interval and attempt a pace that is outside of your comfort zone. Given the rest after each attempt you can go pretty hard. It will be tough to maintain the pace of your first round so if you have a strategy start the first round at a sub maximal pace and then increase your intensity with each successive interval. The run times will vary with each person so use the running clock and track your rest on your own. Track your split times and make sure you have enough time to complete your final lap as you approach 18 minutes.
Note that you may start on either the run OR the row. Your score is your total 400M run as well as your calories rowed.