August 14, 2017


EMOM for 10 Minutes
30 Seconds of double unders

Here we have another opportunity to work on the difficult double under! If you do not have the movement yet spend 30 seconds of every minute trying to establish a straight of double unders. This might mean performing a few singles and then introducing a double under every 3 or 4 singles.If you have mastered the skill you will be able to get around 40 double unders in 30 seconds which will get difficult as time progresses and test your efficiency under fatigue.  Everyone should respect the rest period! Rest 30 seconds in every round so you don’t turn this into 10 minutes  straight of jumping rope!  Experienced athletes can work on unbroken sets or triple unders if you are certain you could go unbroken every round.


6 Rounds for time
12 Box jumps 24/20″
8 Kettlebell Snatch 24/16 kg
6 Alternating Weighted Step Ups 24/16 kg

Workout notes: This workout is task priority triplet with a heavy kettle bell emphasis. The kettlebell snatch takes some coordination so you don’t slam the kettlebell onto your wrist every round just to complete reps. Practice “rotating” the kettlebell in to the receiving position as you punch up overhead.  If you perform the movement correctly the head of the kettlebell with touch your wrist lightly as you finish each rep. You may break up the reps any way that you please but do distribute the work evenly across both arms. As you transition to step ups hold your kettlebell goblet style at the chest and keep your torso upright throughout the entire range of motion. Alternate steps so that you perform 3 reps on each leg for every round.  This workout has a heavy load on the lower half of the body so be careful on those box jumps!

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