EMOM for 10 Minutes
[odd] Toe-To-Bar
[even] Double Unders
Spend 10 minutes working on two difficult skills. During every odd minute perform 1 set of toe-to-bar. We’re looking for a set that you are sure you can maintain for 5 rounds. If you are new to the movement perform 5-10 kipping swings working on alternating between arch and hollow body. On the even minute perform at least :30 seconds of double under attempts
AMRAP in 12 Minutes
50 Sit-ups
35 Deadlift 155/105 lb
200M Run
Workout notes: This workout has a larger set size of a bodyweight movement followed by high reps of what should be a light deadlift. Choose a deadlift weight that you can do multiple reps of for the entire workout. The run is short so try not to use it as recovery and push the pace.