August 16, 2019


EMOM for 10 Minutes
Power Clean + Push Jerk + Split Jerk

Today we’re working on a jerk complex and starting with the simpler push jerk and immediately following that with  the more complex split jerk. For this skill work your load should be light enough that you can power clean the bar and complete both jerks in succession. If you are familiar with the lifts consider a moderate load for the duration of the workout and increase slowly if your technique is sound.  You’ll need to keep the load light enough that you can safely lower the bar down to your shoulders after completing the push jerk. Remember that lowering a heavy bar from overhead is a skill in itself so practice using soft knees to catch the bar at the shoulders rather than letting it crash down.  New lifters should keep the load light and practice perfect technique for each lift.  Both movements are complex so practice sound mechanics before you increase the weight.


1 round of Tabata at each of the following stations

Box Jump 24/20″
Two arm dumbbell power clean 50/35 lb

1 Minutes rest between stations

Workout notes

We will be using the Tabata interval for today’s workout.  The interval is eight rounds of twenty seconds of work and ten seconds of rest.  You’ll work for a full eight rounds on each movement with a minute rest to transition and recover between stations.  For the toe-to-bar you’ll want to use a standard with which you could perform one or two sets during your twenty second work period.  If you feel your hands tearing or you are failing the toe-to-bar in any way switch to some form of sit-up.   Pace your box jumps by resting momentarily on top of the box and trying to hold a set cadence for all eight rounds knocking out reps throughout the entire work period. For the two arm dumbbell power cleans the rep starts when at least one end of each dumbbell is touching the ground and finishes when the dumbbells touch the shoulders.  We’ll score this workout in the same way you would score the workout “Fight Gone Bad” Count all of the reps you accumulate at each station and come up with one big score.   With all the rest periods that means you have the opportunity to keep the intensity high so treat each twenty second work period as a mini AMRAP.



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