August 17, 2018


EMOM for 10 Minutes

1 Power Clean + 2 Split Jerk

For this complex work with a weight light enough that you can clean it from the floor and catch in a partial squat before you setup for your jerk sequence.  You will need to mange bringing the bar down from overhead safely and for that reason you load may be much lighter than what you work with for strong effort lifts.


AMRAP in 10 Minutes
10 Burpees
30 Double Under

Workout notes

This workout is all about body weight movements.  Our burpees will be vanilla style so just jump and clap overhead and try to move quickly as they will take up the bulk of your time if you have double unders.  Do your best to keep your breathing under control as you transition to the small sets of double unders.  If you don’t quite have double unders yet give the movement an honest effort by at least attempting a few double unders every round.

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