EMOM for 10 Minutes
Squat clean + hang squat clean
Today’s skill work is a two position clean starting with a clean from the floor passing through a full squat, followed by a hang squat clean. Focus on keeping your back angle upright while pulling the bar from the floor and aggressively opening the hips to drive the bar up to the shoulders as you receive it in a squat. Reset your grip and stance before starting the hang clean if needed. If you are working up to a heavy load you can always drop the bar and deadlift it to the hang to start the second rep of the complex.
AMRAP in 15 Minutes
200M Run
15 Front Squats 135/95 lb
Workout notes
Today’s workout features a short run and moderate sized set of front squats. High rep front squats can be fairly challenging so scale the load to a weight you can complete each round in at least two to three sets. Focus on establishing a good rack position with the bar resting on your torso and your elbows up. Initiate the squat by sending your hips back and fight to keep your elbows and chest up as you pass below parallel. The run will take up a lot of your time in this workout. Use it as recovery but do your best to push the pace and get back into the gym as quickly as possible to get started on you next set of squats.