August 29, 2019


Squat Clean & Jerk

Spend some time working up to a strong effort Clean & Jerk.  The squat clean & split jerk is usually the most effective method for moving big weights so unless you have a mobility issue you should be working on the mechanics of those movements. We’ll lift without the clock today so take your time between reps and use that extra recovery to testing slightly heavier weights than you might if you were lifting using an interval timer.  Everyone should start with a very light warmup and increase gradually.  New lifters should only increase weight when you are able to consistently repeat the same technique.


For time

Deadlift 185/135lb
Goblet Squat 32/24kg

Workout notes

Our workout today pairs two classic movements, the deadlift and squat.  Most of your reps will be done in the first few rounds with this rep scheme. Break up the larger sets early to avoid slowing down too much when you get to the single digit sets.  You should be able to perform medium sized sets of deadlifts and squats with the weight you choose.  Plan to get your sets of 21, 18 and 15 done in 3-4 sets max. If you are scaling the benchmark weight and doing all sets unbroken you may have gone too light.  Move smooth and quick through the last small sets to finish strong.





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