5 sets of 5 tempo back squat:
3 second descent
3 second hold
Fast up
3 seconds between reps
Target 50-60% of your max across all 5 sets
Keep the weight light enough that this never feels like a shakey or maximal effort.
Workout of the Day
AMRAP in 16 minutes:
4-8-12-16-20-24… etc
Power clean
Toes to bar
Run 200 meters before each round
Scale the power cleans so that you’re right on the edge between small touch and go sets and quick singles. This is a great workout to try for touch and go sets at a heavier weight than you might otherwise. Modify the range of motion on the toes to bar so that you’re able to consistently hit sets of 3-5 reps.
standard: 95/65
rx: 135/95
sport: 155/105
metcon: 8×1:20 on, 0:40 off