EMOM for 10 minutes:
10 double unders plus one squat snatch
This format is similar to last week’s clean and jerk, but more compressed. Your jump rope should be an easy unbroken set, acting as a reset before each lift. If you aren’t able to comfortably do a full squat snatch, then don’t go deep. Be sure that you really are paying attention to “comfortably” here; a lot of people get into the mindset that snatching will always be an awkward and uncomfortable movement, and because of that end up willing to put up with too much stress on the shoulders. You should never be trying to force your way deeper into the bottom of your overhead squat when snatching. Stay within that comfortable limit, and as you develop your shoulder flexibility with other stretches that comfortable limit will gradually get lower and lower.
Workout of the Day
AMRAP in 15 minutes:
21 wall balls
15 box jumps
9 push ups
This workout is a great opportunity to go for a more challenging push up standard, with only 9 reps of the movement per round; try dropping to a lower box, or going on your toes instead of knees.
standard: 14/10 lb, 20/12″
rx: 20/14 lb, 24/20″
sport: 20/14 lb, 24/20″, handstand push ups (strict or kipping)
metcon: 3x 4:00 on, 1:00 off