August 5, 2017


Every 3 Minutes for 7 rounds

for time
4 Power clean 135/95 lb
7 Push jerk 135/95 lb
100M Sprint

Workout notes

Our workout today has a different formatting than what we normally see for a metcon with a barbell.  You will essentially be performing seven sprints. Starting at 0:00 perform 4 cleans, 7 jerks and a 100M Sprint.  Whatever time you have left is yours to rest and recovery.  At 3:00 start another 4, 7 and 100.  Continue like that until you have completed seven rounds.  Everyone should use a weight an running distance that they could easily complete the chipper in under three minutes while fresh.   Do your best to start out at a strong but sustainable pace and try to decrease your split times across seven rounds.


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