August 8, 2021

Workout of the Day
EMOM for 21 minutes
(1’s) straight set of pull-ups
(2’s) 3 TnG power cleans
(3’s) 3 push jerks

We’re keeping the pace slower again today due to the smoke and spending more time on some skills! We’ll be on a twenty one minute EMOM clock today switching between three different skills. On the first minutes you can choose between a straight set of either strict or kipping pull-ups using a band if needed. In the second minute you will perform a short set of three TnG cleans. In the third minute power clean your weight and knock out three push jerks. Plan to start at a manageable load for the lifting and add weight as you go if things are feeling good. You can also choose one weight that is a bit heavier than you might use in a workout and carry that across for all seven sets. Your score for today will be your total reps of pull-ups and your max load for the two lifting pieces.

CFD at home:
Today’s workout can be done with a barbell, dumbbell or kettlebell. If you are working with a dumbbell or kettlebell for the lifting portion of the EMOM you may want to bump the numbers up to account for using a lighter weight than you might if you had a barbell in your hands. Somewhere between 8-12 reps of alternating power cleans would be good and then 4-6 push jerks on each arm in the minute for the push jerks. If you have a spot for pull-ups or ring rows you can use it for the pull-up portion of this workout. If you don’t you can switch that minute out for a straight set of bench dips, plank drags, bent over rows or strict push ups (only if you missed Saturday). Whatever you choose for today make sure that you have some amount of recovery time in each minute. Your score will be your total reps for the pull-up skill or whatever movement you replace it with and your total reps of both the cleans and jerks. See you on the leaderboard!

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