Every 45 seconds for 12 rounds:
Hang power clean plus power clean
Focus on a strong follow-through with the arms on the cleans today; your legs should always be the primary source of power on the Olympic lifts, but the arms can contribute significantly if applied with the proper timing.
Workout of the Day
5 rounds, 3 minutes on, 1 minute off:
200 m run at the start of each round,
then AMRAP in the remaining time of:
4 power cleans
6 push ups
Pick a power clean weight that has you doing smooth singles or small sets. Track your rounds and reps for each 3 minute interval, and then add them all up at the end.
standard: 95/65, run/row/ski 200 or bike 500
rx: 135/95, run
sport: 185/135, run
metcon: 5x 3:00 on/1:00 off