Author: Matt Pedri

  • April 30, 2013

    It’s Tuesday, and that of course means that our 5:30 class is dedicated to Olympic weightlifting. Come to the 4:45 or 6:30 class to get todays workout in.  Strength Push Press 5×2 WOD 3 Rounds for time of  10 Squat Cleans 135/95lbs20 Burpees Over The Bar

  • April 29, 2013

    Strength EMOM  for 14 Minutes Even 2 Deadlifts ~ 80% of 1RM Odd Max set  of Unbroken Toes To Bar Choose a weight and a rep scheme that you can sustain for 7 rounds of each.  If you’re still working on T2B go with Knee Tucks or Knees to Elbows. WOD AMRAP 7 Minutes 12 […]

  • April 28, 2013

    As some of you have heard Lia has accepted a new job that will sadly (for us) require her to move away from Davis. We are so happy and proud of you Lia! You’re positive and easy going presence around the gym will be greatly missed! Lia will be at the 11 am Sunday class. […]

  • April 27, 2013

    Strength 1 RM Jerk WOD 3 Rounds for time of  10 Push Press 135/95lbs400M Run

  • April 26, 2013

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY OLIVIA!! If you see Olivia at the gym today make sure to wish her a happy birthday! To celebrate Olivia’s special day we’re giving you 2 WOD’s to choose from! The classic named WOD “Cindy” or her scaled up sister “Mary”! Have fun guys! Skill 3 Rounds of the following. 1 Minute cumulative of […]

  • April 25, 2013

    Skill/Strength EMOM for 10 Minutes 3x OHS Working from the floor perfom 3 Overhead Squats.  You may Snatch or Clean the bar to get it into position. WOD AMRAP in 15 Minutes 60 Double Unders15 Snatch 75/45lbs10 Toes To Bar

  • April 24, 2013

    Strength 3RM Push Press WOD 5 Rounds For Time of  5 Front Squat 185/135lbs10 Clapping Push-Ups200M Run

  • April 23, 2013

    Remember our 5:30PM class is dedicated to Olympic Weightlifting.   CrossFit classes are at 4:45PM and 6:30PM Strength Deadlift 5×3 WOD AMRAP in 8 Minutes 3,6,9,12,15,18,21… of  Kettlebell Swing 24/16kgBox Jump 24/20″

  • April 22, 2013

    Strength 8 x 3 Weighted pullups Use as much resistance as possible. WOD AMRAP in 3 Minutes of Burpee Pull-Ups AMRAP in 3 Minutes of Wall Ball 20/14# AMRAP in 3 Minutes of Row for Calories  

  • April 21, 2013

    Strength 1RM Squat Clean   WOD Run 800M75 Air Squats50 Push-UpsRun 400M50 Air Squats25 Push-UpsRun 200M