Back Squat
3 at 70% of your max
3 at 75% of your max
Max set at 80% of your max
Practice safe 2-person spotting if you’re going hard on your last set! Review with your coach if you aren’t sure how that works.
This is our second round through on the progression of Deadlift, Strict Press, and Back Squat. Base your percentages on a recent one rep max, or an estimated one from the previous round. Go for a safe max rep set on the last set, and then use that weight and rep count to estimate a new max for the following week (experienced lifters might want to wait a few weeks before updating their maxes). There are Training Load Charts posted around the gym to help you do this; chat with a coach if you need guidance, and track your weights!
Workout of the Day
AMRAP in 10 minutes:
35 drag rope single unders
20 unweighted lunges
10 push presses
Grab a push press weight that lets you finish the 10 reps in a couple of quick sets each round. Practice quick transitions between movements, and make sure you aren’t shorting the range of motion on anything.
standard: 65/45
rx: 95/65
sport: 115/85
metcon: 5×1:30 on, 0:30 off